Visit Lockhart
Travel & Wines


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    [productNumber] => AU0004737
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    [productCategoryId] => DESTINFO
    [owningOrganisationId] => 56b1ecfe44feca3df2e3658b
    [owningOrganisationNumber] => NSW2656
    [owningOrganisationName] => Lockhart Shire Visitor Information Centre
    [contributingOrganisationId] => 56b1ecfe44feca3df2e3658b
    [marketVariantId] => 
    [productName] => Lockhart
    [productupdateDate] => 2024-05-03T16:37:20.081+10:00
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    [cityName] => Lockhart
    [areaName] => Wagga Wagga & Riverina
    [stateName] => New South Wales
    [countryName] => Australia
    [productCategoryDescription] => Destination Information
    [productDescription] => Lockhart Shire - Larger than life.

Everywhere you go there is something to discover across the beautiful Lockhart Shire.

Lose yourself in the natural beauty, from koalas and kangaroos to stunning sunsets and endless, star-studded nights. Explore charming heritage towns with their own distinctive characters, quaint shops, and the great outdoors. 

Discover three larger-than-life Water Tower Murals and two iconic Riverina landmarks of Galore Hill Scenic Reserve and The Rock Nature Reserve - Kengal Aboriginal Place. With hundreds of hectares of natural habitat to explore, both reserves are the best location to see the fields of green pastures and yellow canola crops.

Don’t forget to visit the Greens Gunyah Museum including the Doris Golder Wool Art Gallery and experience the Sculpture and Heritage Trails or discover a shooting star at The Rock Regional Observatory while you are in the region.
    [productShortDescription] => Enjoy a visit to Lockhart, where country charms meets the quaint, old world feel of Heritage listed streets. Stroll under the historic verandas.
    [productPixelURL] =>
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                    [areaName] => Wagga Wagga & Riverina
                    [stateName] => New South Wales
                    [countryName] => Australia
                    [addressPostalCode] => 2656
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                    [stateName] => New South Wales
                    [countryName] => Australia
                    [addressPostalCode] => 2656
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                    [areaName] => Wagga Wagga & Riverina
                    [stateName] => New South Wales
                    [countryName] => Australia
                    [addressPostalCode] => 2656
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                    [attributeIdDescription] => Birdwatching

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                    [attributeIdDescription] => Camping

            [4] => Array
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            [5] => Array
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                    [attributeTypeIdDescription] => Activities
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                    [attributeIdDescription] => Golf

            [6] => Array
                    [attributeTypeId] => ACTIVITY
                    [attributeTypeIdDescription] => Activities
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                    [attributeIdDescription] => Hiking

            [7] => Array
                    [attributeTypeId] => ACTIVITY
                    [attributeTypeIdDescription] => Activities
                    [attributeId] => CLIMBROCK
                    [attributeIdDescription] => Rock Climbing

            [8] => Array
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                    [attributeTypeIdDescription] => Activities
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                    [attributeIdDescription] => Scenic Drives

            [9] => Array
                    [attributeTypeId] => ACTIVITY
                    [attributeTypeIdDescription] => Activities
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                    [attributeIdDescription] => Swimming

            [10] => Array
                    [attributeTypeId] => ACTIVITY
                    [attributeTypeIdDescription] => Activities
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                    [attributeIdDescription] => Walks

            [11] => Array
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                    [attributeIdDescription] => Aboriginal Culture

            [12] => Array
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                    [attributeTypeIdDescription] => Tags
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                    [attributeIdDescription] => Art & Culture

            [13] => Array
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                    [attributeTypeIdDescription] => Tags
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                    [attributeIdDescription] => Family

            [14] => Array
                    [attributeTypeId] => TAG
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                    [attributeIdDescription] => History & Heritage

            [15] => Array
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                    [attributeTypeIdDescription] => Tags
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                    [attributeIdDescription] => Nature & Wildlife

            [16] => Array
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                    [attributeTypeIdDescription] => Tags
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                    [attributeIdDescription] => Border NSW/VIC


    [relatedProducts] => Array

    [sustainabilityScore] => Array

    [productWineVarietyAttributes] => Array

    [productWineTastingAttributes] => Array

    [accessibilityAttributes] => Array

    [productAwards] => Array

    [productBrochure] => 
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    [entryCosts] => Array

    [eventFrequency] => Array

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    [productComments] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [marketVariantId] => English / Global
                    [attributeIdProductComment] => PRODTRANS 
                    [attributeIdProductCommentDescription] => Product Description Translation
                    [sequenceNumber] => 
                    [attributeIdLanguageWritten] => ENGLISH
                    [attributeIdLanguageWrittenDescription] => English
                    [commentText] => Lockhart Shire - Larger than life.

Everywhere you go there is something to discover across the beautiful Lockhart Shire.

Lose yourself in the natural beauty, from koalas and kangaroos to stunning sunsets and endless, star-studded nights. Explore charming heritage towns with their own distinctive characters, quaint shops, and the great outdoors. 

Discover three larger-than-life Water Tower Murals and two iconic Riverina landmarks of Galore Hill Scenic Reserve and The Rock Nature Reserve - Kengal Aboriginal Place. With hundreds of hectares of natural habitat to explore, both reserves are the best location to see the fields of green pastures and yellow canola crops.

Don’t forget to visit the Greens Gunyah Museum including the Doris Golder Wool Art Gallery and experience the Sculpture and Heritage Trails or discover a shooting star at The Rock Regional Observatory while you are in the region.

            [1] => Array
                    [marketVariantId] => Chinese Traditional
                    [attributeIdProductComment] => PRODTRANS 
                    [attributeIdProductCommentDescription] => Product Description Translation
                    [sequenceNumber] => 100
                    [attributeIdLanguageWritten] => CHINESE-T
                    [attributeIdLanguageWrittenDescription] => Chinese Traditional
                    [commentText] => 參觀洛克哈特,感受鄉村魅力與被列入遺產名錄的街道的古樸、舊世界的感覺。沿著屢獲殊榮的洛克哈特雕塑和遺產小徑漫步,漫步在歷史悠久的陽台、華麗的花邊和 400 多幅鋪砌的蝕刻畫,這些蝕刻畫排列在陰涼的人行道上,其中包括來自一年一度的大地精神節的獲獎作品。

享受令人愉快的咖啡館、溫馨的酒吧、週末購物和鼓舞人心的 Doris Golder Wool 藝術畫廊,該畫廊位於重新開發的 Greens Gunyah 博物館,非常值得一遊。有很多很棒的住宿選擇,包括那些喜歡與全家一起旅行的人的寵物友好型!


            [2] => Array
                    [marketVariantId] => Chinese Simplified
                    [attributeIdProductComment] => PRODTRANS 
                    [attributeIdProductCommentDescription] => Product Description Translation
                    [sequenceNumber] => 100
                    [attributeIdLanguageWritten] => CHINESE-S
                    [attributeIdLanguageWrittenDescription] => Chinese Simplified
                    [commentText] => 参观洛克哈特,感受乡村魅力与被列入遗产名录的街道的古朴、旧世界的感觉。沿着屡获殊荣的洛克哈特雕塑和遗产小径漫步,漫步在历史悠久的阳台、华丽的花边和 400 多幅铺砌的蚀刻画,这些蚀刻画排列在阴凉的人行道上,其中包括来自一年一度的大地精神节的获奖作品。

享受令人愉快的咖啡馆、温馨的酒吧、周末购物和鼓舞人心的 Doris Golder Wool 艺术画廊,该画廊位于重新开发的 Greens Gunyah 博物馆,非常值得一游。有很多很棒的住宿选择,包括那些喜欢与全家一起旅行的人的宠物友好型!


            [3] => Array
                    [marketVariantId] => Japanese
                    [attributeIdProductComment] => PRODTRANS 
                    [attributeIdProductCommentDescription] => Product Description Translation
                    [sequenceNumber] => 100
                    [attributeIdLanguageWritten] => JAPANESE
                    [attributeIdLanguageWrittenDescription] => Japanese
                    [commentText] => カントリーチャームがヘリテージリストにある通りの古風な趣のある旧世界の雰囲気と出会うロックハートへの訪問をお楽しみください。毎年恒例のスピリットオブザランドフェスティバルからの受賞作品の素晴らしいコレクションを含む、受賞歴のあるロックハート彫刻とヘリテージトレイルをたどりながら、歴史的なベランダ、過去の華やかなレースワーク、日陰の歩道に並ぶ400以上の舗装されたエッチングの下を散歩してください。



            [4] => Array
                    [marketVariantId] => German
                    [attributeIdProductComment] => PRODTRANS 
                    [attributeIdProductCommentDescription] => Product Description Translation
                    [sequenceNumber] => 100
                    [attributeIdLanguageWritten] => GERMAN
                    [attributeIdLanguageWrittenDescription] => German
                    [commentText] => Genießen Sie einen Besuch in Lockhart, wo ländlicher Charme auf das malerische, alte Weltgefühl der denkmalgeschützten Straßen trifft. Spazieren Sie unter den historischen Veranden, vorbei an kunstvollen Spitzenarbeiten und über die 400 gepflasterten Radierungen, die die schattigen Fußwege säumen, während Sie dem preisgekrönten Lockhart Sculpture and Heritage Trail folgen, einschließlich einer fantastischen Sammlung preisgekrönter Stücke des jährlichen Spirit of the Land Festivals.

Genießen Sie entzückende Cafés, einladende Pubs, Wochenend-Shopping und die inspirierende Doris Golder Wool Art Gallery, die im neu gestalteten Greens Gunyah Museum untergebracht ist und einen Besuch wert ist. Es gibt viele großartige Unterkunftsmöglichkeiten, einschließlich haustierfreundlicher Unterkünfte für diejenigen, die gerne mit der ganzen Familie reisen!

Dieses Gebiet bietet eine Vielzahl von Aktivitäten für Liebhaber der freien Natur - Radfahren auf und abseits der Straße, fantastische Buschwanderungen, einheimische Fauna und Flora, Klettern, Abseilen, Golfplätze, Bowling Greens, Angeln und Schwimmen.

            [5] => Array
                    [marketVariantId] => French
                    [attributeIdProductComment] => PRODTRANS 
                    [attributeIdProductCommentDescription] => Product Description Translation
                    [sequenceNumber] => 100
                    [attributeIdLanguageWritten] => FRENCH
                    [attributeIdLanguageWrittenDescription] => French
                    [commentText] => Profitez d'une visite à Lockhart, où les charmes de la campagne rencontrent l'atmosphère pittoresque et ancienne des rues classées au patrimoine. Promenez-vous sous les vérandas historiques, passez devant les dentelles ornées et sur les 400 gravures pavées qui bordent les sentiers ombragés tout en suivant le Lockhart Sculpture and Heritage Trail primé, y compris une fantastique collection de pièces primées du festival annuel Spirit of the Land.

Profitez de délicieux cafés, de pubs accueillants, de shopping le week-end et de l'inspirante Doris Golder Wool Art Gallery qui se trouve dans le Greens Gunyah Museum réaménagé, cela vaut bien une visite. Il existe de nombreuses options d'hébergement, y compris les animaux de compagnie pour ceux qui aiment voyager avec toute la famille !

Cette région offre une foule d'activités pour les amateurs de plein air - cyclisme sur route et hors route, fantastique randonnée dans la brousse, sentiers de la faune et de la flore indigènes, escalade, descente en rappel, terrains de golf, terrains de boules, pêche et baignade.

            [6] => Array
                    [marketVariantId] => Spanish
                    [attributeIdProductComment] => PRODTRANS 
                    [attributeIdProductCommentDescription] => Product Description Translation
                    [sequenceNumber] => 100
                    [attributeIdLanguageWritten] => SPAN-EUR
                    [attributeIdLanguageWrittenDescription] => Spanish
                    [commentText] => Disfrute de una visita a Lockhart, donde los encantos del campo se encuentran con la sensación pintoresca del viejo mundo de las calles declaradas Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Pasee bajo las terrazas históricas, pase por los encajes ornamentados y sobre los 400 grabados pavimentados que bordean los senderos sombreados mientras sigue el galardonado Lockhart Sculpture and Heritage Trail, que incluye una fantástica colección de piezas premiadas del festival anual Spirit of the Land.

Disfrute de encantadores cafés, pubs acogedores, compras de fin de semana y la inspiradora Galería de Arte Doris Golder Wool que se encuentra en el remodelado Museo Greens Gunyah, vale la pena una visita. ¡Hay muchas opciones de alojamiento excelentes, incluidas las que admiten mascotas para aquellos a quienes les gusta viajar con toda la familia!

Esta área ofrece una gran cantidad de actividades para los amantes del aire libre: ciclismo dentro y fuera de la carretera, caminatas fantásticas, senderos de fauna y flora autóctonas, escalada en roca, rappel, campos de golf, campos de bolos, pesca y natación.

            [7] => Array
                    [marketVariantId] => Portuguese
                    [attributeIdProductComment] => PRODTRANS 
                    [attributeIdProductCommentDescription] => Product Description Translation
                    [sequenceNumber] => 100
                    [attributeIdLanguageWritten] => PORT-EUR
                    [attributeIdLanguageWrittenDescription] => Portuguese
                    [commentText] => Desfrute de uma visita a Lockhart, onde os encantos do país encontram a pitoresca sensação do velho mundo das ruas listadas como Patrimônio. Passeie sob as varandas históricas, passando por rendas ornamentadas e sobre as 400 gravuras pavimentadas que revestem as trilhas sombreadas enquanto você segue a premiada Lockhart Sculpture and Heritage Trail, incluindo uma fantástica coleção de peças premiadas do anual Spirit of the Land Festival.

Desfrute de cafés deliciosos, pubs acolhedores, compras de fim de semana e da inspiradora Doris Golder Wool Art Gallery, que fica no renovado Greens Gunyah Museum, vale a pena uma visita. Não faltam ótimas opções de hospedagem, inclusive pet friendly para quem gosta de viajar com toda a família!

Esta área oferece uma série de atividades para os amantes do ar livre - ciclismo dentro e fora de estrada, caminhadas fantásticas, trilhas de fauna e flora nativas, escalada, rapel, campos de golfe, boliche, pesca e natação.

            [8] => Array
                    [marketVariantId] => Indonesian
                    [attributeIdProductComment] => PRODTRANS 
                    [attributeIdProductCommentDescription] => Product Description Translation
                    [sequenceNumber] => 100
                    [attributeIdLanguageWritten] => INDONESIAN
                    [attributeIdLanguageWrittenDescription] => Indonesian
                    [commentText] => Nikmati kunjungan ke Lockhart, tempat pesona pedesaan berpadu dengan nuansa kuno dunia lama dari jalan-jalan yang terdaftar sebagai Warisan. Berjalan-jalanlah di bawah beranda bersejarah, melewati hiasan renda dan lebih dari 400 ukiran beraspal yang melapisi jalan setapak yang teduh saat Anda mengikuti Lockhart Sculpture and Heritage Trail yang memenangkan penghargaan, termasuk koleksi fantastis karya pemenang hadiah dari Spirit of the Land Festival tahunan.

Nikmati kafe yang menyenangkan, pub yang ramah, belanja akhir pekan, dan Galeri Seni Wol Doris Golder yang menginspirasi yang bertempat di Museum Greens Gunyah yang telah direnovasi, tempat ini layak untuk dikunjungi. Ada banyak pilihan akomodasi yang bagus, termasuk ramah hewan peliharaan bagi mereka yang suka bepergian dengan seluruh keluarga!

Area ini menawarkan sejumlah kegiatan bagi pecinta alam luar yang menyenangkan - bersepeda di dalam dan di luar jalan raya, menjelajahi hutan semak yang fantastis, jalur fauna dan flora asli, panjat tebing, abseiling, lapangan golf, lapangan bowling, memancing, dan berenang.

            [9] => Array
                    [marketVariantId] => Italian
                    [attributeIdProductComment] => PRODTRANS 
                    [attributeIdProductCommentDescription] => Product Description Translation
                    [sequenceNumber] => 100
                    [attributeIdLanguageWritten] => ITALIAN
                    [attributeIdLanguageWrittenDescription] => Italian
                    [commentText] => Goditi una visita a Lockhart, dove il fascino del paese incontra l'atmosfera pittoresca e del vecchio mondo delle strade dichiarate Patrimonio dell'Umanità. Passeggia sotto le verande storiche, tra merletti decorati e oltre 400 incisioni pavimentate che fiancheggiano i sentieri ombreggiati mentre segui il premiato Lockhart Sculpture and Heritage Trail, inclusa una fantastica collezione di pezzi vincitori dell'annuale Spirit of the Land Festival.

Goditi deliziosi caffè, pub accoglienti, shopping nel fine settimana e la suggestiva Doris Golder Wool Art Gallery, che è ospitata nel rinnovato Greens Gunyah Museum, merita una visita. Ci sono un sacco di ottime opzioni di alloggio, compresi gli animali domestici per chi ama viaggiare con tutta la famiglia!

Questa zona offre una serie di attività per gli amanti della vita all'aria aperta: ciclismo su strada e fuoristrada, fantastiche passeggiate nel bush, sentieri della fauna e della flora autoctoni, arrampicata su roccia, discesa in corda doppia, campi da golf, campi da bocce, pesca e nuoto.

            [10] => Array
                    [marketVariantId] => Korean
                    [attributeIdProductComment] => PRODTRANS 
                    [attributeIdProductCommentDescription] => Product Description Translation
                    [sequenceNumber] => 100
                    [attributeIdLanguageWritten] => KOREAN
                    [attributeIdLanguageWrittenDescription] => Korean
                    [commentText] => 시골의 매력이 문화유산에 등재된 거리의 고풍스럽고 고풍스러운 느낌과 만나는 록하트(Lockhart)를 방문해 보세요. 연례 Spirit of the Land Festival에서 수상한 환상적인 작품 컬렉션을 포함하여 수상 경력에 빛나는 Lockhart Sculpture and Heritage Trail을 따라 가면서 유서 깊은 베란다 화려한 레이스 장식 그늘진 보도를 따라 늘어선 400개 이상의 포장 에칭을 거닐어 보세요.

유쾌한 카페 환영하는 펍 주말 쇼핑을 즐기고 재개발된 Greens Gunyah 박물관에 보관된 영감을 주는 Doris Golder Wool Art Gallery를 방문할 가치가 있습니다. 온 가족이 함께 여행하고 싶어하는 사람들을 위한 반려동물 친화적인 숙박 시설을 포함하여 훌륭한 숙박 시설이 많이 있습니다!

이 지역은 온/오프 로드 사이클링 환상적인 부시워킹 토종 동식물 트레일 암벽 등반 하강 골프 코스 볼링장 낚시 수영 등 대자연을 사랑하는 사람들을 위한 다양한 활동을 제공합니다.


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Lockhart Shire – Larger than life.

Everywhere you go there is something to discover across the beautiful Lockhart Shire.

Lose yourself in the natural beauty, from koalas and kangaroos to stunning sunsets and endless, star-studded nights. Explore charming heritage towns with their own distinctive characters, quaint shops, and the great outdoors.

Discover three larger-than-life Water Tower Murals and two iconic Riverina landmarks of Galore Hill Scenic Reserve and The Rock Nature Reserve – Kengal Aboriginal Place. With hundreds of hectares of natural habitat to explore, both reserves are the best location to see the fields of green pastures and yellow canola crops.

Don’t forget to visit the Greens Gunyah Museum including the Doris Golder Wool Art Gallery and experience the Sculpture and Heritage Trails or discover a shooting star at The Rock Regional Observatory while you are in the region.

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